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Introducing Our Latest Innovations : Fluorine Free Foam and Li-ion Battery Extinguisher

Product Details

AFFF 1% : AFFF in Dubai | India


AFFF in Dubai | India : Introducing IFP UNILIGHT AFFF TYPE 1C6 (SELF-HEALING), a cutting-edge, non-toxic, clear liquid foam concentrate designed for superior fire safety. This advanced fluoro-chemical foam concentrate, known as Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), marks a significant leap in foam technology, offering effective extinguishment of Class A and B fires with low and medium expansion foam.

IFP UNILIGHT AFFF TYPE 1C6 combines C6 fluorochemical technology with hydrocarbon surfactants, solvents, stabilizers, and preservatives, ensuring exceptional fire knockdown performance on all types of hydrocarbon fires. The aqueous film formed rapidly spreads over the fuel surface, providing quick control and extinguishment. Its inherent self-sealing property effectively re-seals any disturbed surface of burning liquid, making it highly advantageous for rapid rescue operations.

Approvals and listing

UL Listed (UL 162)
BIS Marked (IS 4989)
EN Approved (EN 1568-3)


ISO 7203-1
ICAO Level B
UK Defence Standard 42-40/Issue-1
US-MIL F-24385

Our AFFF in Dubai, the IFP UNILIGHT AFFF TYPE 1C6, is free from PFOS, PFOA, and their derivatives, ensuring a safer choice for fire protection. Explore more about this superior foam concentrate on our product page and see how it can enhance your fire safety measures.

Ordering Information

Part Number  Description                  Volume, m3 (ft3)    Weight (kg)
102010-01    Pails/Cans 20L (5.28 Gallon)  0.028 (0.99)       22.2
102010-02    Pails/Cans 30L (7.93 Gallon)  0.040 (1.40)       33.3
102010-03    Barrels 200L(52.84 Gallon)    0.318 (11.23)      219.2
102010-04    IBC Tote 1000L (264.2 Gallon) 1.386 (49.09)      1107

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