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Introducing Our Latest Innovations : Fluorine Free Foam and Li-ion Battery Extinguisher

Product Details

Name : UL Listed ABC Powder (Monoammonium Phosphate)



IFP FIREKILL ABC is Monoammonium Phosphate based Dry Chemical powder, capable to resist influences of climatic extremes both temperature and humidity having the following important characteristic qualities :Non hygroscopic and moisture resistant

  • Non Toxic
  • Non abrasive
  • Non Caking
  • Compatible with foam and other dry chemical powders
  • High specific surface coverage (cm²/gm)
  • Absolutely free flowing


IFP FIREKILL ABC is a general purpose (universal) dry chemical powder with excellent efficiency to fight all classes of fires i.e. A, B, C, D and E Fires. It is suitable for all types of hand-operated fire extinguishers as well as for mobile extinguishers and fixed installations. As dry propelling agents compressed air, nitrogen or carbon dioxide can be used. When these powders are applied to hot and smouldering surfaces, the particles fuse and swell to form a barrier which excludes oxygen and thereby completes the extinguishing process and prevents re-ignition. It is suitable for best fire fighting choice for high risk like aviation, petroleum product storage area & wood, paper fire.


IFP-FIREKILL ABC Dry Chemical Powder is does not contain harmful ingredients, and therefore environmental friendly, non-Toxic to humans and animals.

Storage and Shelf Life

IFP-FIREKILL ABC has been formulated by siliconised ingredients for free flowing with no loss of properties during a very long storage life. A storage life in excess of 5 years is expected if stored in original container in a dry atmosphere of less than 75% relative humidity and temperature preferably within 50 C.


Properties                                        Specifications

Appearance                                       Free Flowing Powder
Colour                                              Yellow
Apparent Density, gm/ml                0.85 ± 0.05
Moisture Content, Max.                   0.5%
Free Flowing Test, Min.                   50 gm/sec
Hygroscopicity, Max.                       2%

Approval and listing

UL Listed (UL 299C and UL-711)

Other Standards

  • IS 4308
  • EN 615

Ordering Information

Part Number     Description                 Volume, m3 (ft3)   Weight (kg)
201060-01       Polythene bag 5 kg          --                 5
201060-02       Polythene bag 6 kg          --                 6
201060-03       Polythene bag/9 kg          --                 9
201060-04       Polythene bag/10 kg         --                 10
201060-05       Polythene bag/25 kg         --                 25
201060-06       Polythene bag/1 ton         --                 1000


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