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Introducing Our Latest Innovations : Fluorine Free Foam and Li-ion Battery Extinguisher

Product Details

Name:Class-A Foam


IFP CLASS A FOAM, a foam concentrate for use in Class “A” fire, is a non-corrosive, non-toxic, biodegradable foam concentrate, intended for use in Class “A” fires admixing with potable and sea water. When mixed with water in the correct proportion, it changes the properties of water. It reduces the surface tension of the water, and produces foam, which allows the water to cling to vertical or horizontal surfaces
without run off. This allows the water to absorb more heat and provides greater penetration into Class “A” fuels.


Appearance                          Colourless/Faint Yellow Liquid
pH                                        7.0 – 8.0
Specific Gravity                    1.00 to 1.05 gm/ml
Viscosity                               Less than 10 cst
Spreading Co-efficient          More than 3.5
Sedimentation (%w/w)         Nil
Pour Point                            (-)5°C

Approvals and listing

  • Bureau of Indian Standard, BIS Marked, as per IS 4989:2018


  • NFPA 18 & NFPA 1150
  • EN 1568-3

Ordering Information

Part Number   Description                      Volume, m3 (ft3)         Weight (kg)
104020-01     Pails/Cans 20L (5.28 Gallon)     0.028 (0.99)               21.6
104020-02     Pails/Cans 30L (7.93 Gallon)     0.040 (1.40)               32.4
104020-03     Barrels 200L (52.84 Gallon)      0.318 (11.23)              213.2
104020-04     IBC Tote 1000L (264.2 Gallon)    1.386 (49.09)              1077

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